For over three decades, Mabuhay Travel has diligently worked to help Filipino ex-pats in the UK find their way back home. This year, we were recognised by one of the UK’s biggest consumer-voted travel awards for doing what we love the most.
Our nomination at the 2023 British Travel Awards was a milestone that we always wanted to reach, and to have it within our grasp was absolutely surreal. However, we had no idea how much better it was going to get.
Simply put, you chose us & the rest was history. Your support propelled Mabuhay Travel to new heights and helped us win a prestigious nomination on the 29th of November 2023!
Thanks to you, dear customer, we are officially:
You made sure the British Travel Awards saw your support and we couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you for taking the time to cast your vote for us.
Because of you, we stand tall as the ONLY award-winning Filipino Travel Agency in the UK.
Our team looks forward to helping Filipinos in the UK fly back home at affordable rates with the world’s leading airlines. Here’s to the journey ahead!